Microgreens 101: What Are They and Why Should You Start Growing Them?
So, you’ve been hearing all about microgreens lately but aren’t sure what they are? You’ve come to the right place! In this post, I’ll dive into what microgreens are, why they’re incredible, and why now is the perfect time to start growing them yourself.
What Exactly Are Microgreens?
Microgreens are tiny versions of leafy greens, herbs, and even some vegetables like radishes and beets. You harvest them just after the first leaves appear, which is why they’re packed with flavor and nutrients. Despite their size, they deliver a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This nutrient density is one of the reasons they’ve become so popular.

Why Should You Grow Them?
Now that we know what they are, let’s talk about why you’d want to grow them.
Self-Watering Kits Make It Simple: Our self-watering microgreen kits make growing even easier. The kit uses a bottom-watering method with a water reservoir and a wick, which brings water to plants and soil. We’ve added coco coir to the mix because it retains moisture, provides good root aeration, and has a neutral pH, ensuring your microgreens grow healthy and vibrant without the hassle of overwatering or underwatering.
Nutrient Powerhouses: Microgreens pack more vitamins and minerals than their fully-grown counterparts, meaning you get more nutrients with less food. They’re like super-concentrated versions of the veggies you already love, so you can benefit more by eating less!
Easy and Quick: If you’ve always wanted to grow your own food but felt intimidated by the time and effort, microgreens are the perfect starting point. You can grow them indoors on your windowsill, and they’re ready to harvest in just 7 to 14 days.
Fresh, Anytime: One of the best things about growing microgreens is having instant access to fresh, nutritious greens. With microgreens, you know exactly where your food comes from because it’s growing right in your home. No more worrying about freshness, pesticides, or how long your food’s been sitting on the shelf!

How to Get Started
Growing your own microgreens is easy and fun, especially with our kits. Simply set up the reservoir, place the wick in the planting lid, add the coco coir, sprinkle the seeds, and watch them grow! It’s exciting to see them sprout and thrive right before your eyes. In no time, you’ll have your own fresh crop of microgreens ready to sprinkle on salads, sandwiches, or blend into smoothies.
So why wait? Microgreens not only add extra nutrition and freshness to your meals, but they’re also a fun, easy project that brings a bit of nature into your home. Try growing your own—you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner!